Budget calculator

Estimate the cost of your booth

Calculate your potential booth expenses based on size, labor, utility and rental needs.

Exhibitor Type

Space Rental

Most Commonly Ordered Booth Spaces
Corner and aisle* fees

*Aisle fees: Exhibitors wishing to create island booths smaller than those shown on the floor plan may do so for an additional $3,000 aisle fee and two corner fees ($300/corner).

"Most Commonly Ordered Booth Spaces" *Member Rate: $39/sq. ft., Non-Member Booth Rate: $51/sq. ft.

Flooring & Rental Items

Flooring - Carpet Rental

Do you own flooring?

Rental Items

Material Handling (freight)

Material Handling - 10 pounds or under delivered to the same booth, by the same carrier, on the same day

*Rate applies to shipments sent to either the warehouse or directly to show site.

Advance Warehouse Receiving Begins: Thursday, 1/23/25

Advance Warehouse Deadline Date: Friday, 2/14/25

Show Site Receiving Begins: Saturday, 2/22/25

Show Site Receiving Deadline Date: Friday, 2/28/25

Installation & Dismantle Labor

Enter number of hours

*Straight time: 8:00am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday

**Overtime: 4:30pm - 8:00am Monday - Friday; All-day Saturday and Sunday

Overhead sign rigging

*Per Hour, per 3-man rigging team


Utilities & Additional Services

Rates listed below do not account for installation and dismantle.

Select Booth Catering Budget

Booth catering

Menu includes 2024 pricing; pricing is subject to change for 2025

Get your summary


*This calculator is meant to provide a rough estimate. It does not include taxes and fees that may apply to certain items and services. Other booth sizes are available and may alter the cost. Current sales tax for GA is 8.9%.

NOTE: All pricing rates listed assume orders are made prior to the discount deadline date*.

Links To Additional Services